Sunday 11 March 2012


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When I was young I loved Formula one.

I used to get up early to watch qualifyings and races all over the world, thought I didn't always stay up for the whole event!

Anyway I knew that Damon Hill was the best driver, he probably wasn't actually the best but he was British so that was good enough for me. And one day I met him.

Well I say I met him, I went to the British Moto show and he was there! I remember getting all excited, getting an autograph on a picture of him with his car. I don't think I can remember everything I said to him, as I was very young, but I hope that I encouraged him for the coming season.

Fans are great, they can really encourage you on, give you new ideas, or even point out where you've been going wrong. They are a great remedy for trolls, of whom there are numerous.

In fact there is a great piece of writing advice to work out your writing voice. Imagine the person you're writing for, your fan, and write just for them. Write what they're interested in, what they need to hear, what will change them.

This has been one of the exercises I've been going through recently. Imagining "the fan" I want to write to but I realised...I've actually met some fans.

  • When I was writing a political blog I met people and had people contact me who had read my political ramblings writings.
  • During the recent conference in Prague I met some people who were familiar with my teaching blog and had even downloaded my handout before I gave my presentation.
  • Even from my personal writings I've had friends comment on stories, events, and reflections they've read and enjoyed [the most revealing fact about my writing is how episodic this feedback is. When I read something great on a blog I always try to comment, or speak to the person, it certainly let's you know you're on the right track]

I guess really my dream fan is someone like this

  • Doers and not just readers or speakers. In fact they have a wealth of scars from getting things...not quite right
  • Sceptical but optimistic, They see potential flaws in plans or arguments but get excited about things anyway
  • Creative and expressive, They love to make new things and not just consume things.
  • Encouraging, No matter how off track/bad you get they always spur you on. 
  • New things Excite them, and yet they know the value of the tried and tested.

I wonder how like you these ideas are?