Sunday, 21 August 2011

Twitter Cull

A few days ago I conducted a "Twitter cull" that being a mass unfollowing of the people who my twitter account receives updates from. I went from over 600 to just over 200...and I may not have finished!

There are a few reasons why I did this and it certainly wasn't a spur of the moment decision.

1. Meaningless tweets
 I have become increasingly bored of twitter where it seams to be a mass of updates about things I really don't care about and or Partisan politics and catchphrases. This does indeed reflect the people I choose to follow and as such removing some of the main offenders will undoubtedly change the feel of the updates I receive.

2. Followers Vs "Followers"
I have posted many questions on twitter and they are usually answered by only a couple of followers [partially due to a factor I shall mention later] there are many people I followed and ignored and followed me and ignored my updates. I see this as pretty pointless and basically all about "follower numbers" ("I'll follow you if you follow me") If we're both ignoring each other then I'd rather not have the extra followers and focus on those who I do interact with.

3. Too much noise! 
When you follow 600 people you get too many tweet from too many sources and there is a lot of noise! This noise can lead to missing the actually interesting and good posts that people put up. As such my hope is that by removing a lot of noise I can respond to more meaningful tweets.

I have tried to keep many of the people I had interactions with but probably have included some extras I shouldn't and culled some who I shouldn't have and as such would willingly change your status if you feel so inclined as to suggest it.

I also understand that I will no doubt lose a lot of followers from this but to be honest they never really followed me anyway. I'll let you know if this seams to improve twitter for me at all or not.