Saturday, 6 August 2011

Oxford, Blogging, rants and thoughts

I know I haven't written in a long time and in fact I've even missed my monthly aims update! This has largely been due to what a strange time working here in the summer school has been. Teaching wise there has been a lot less pressure and time for teaching but on the other side there has been all the other warden and summer school duties that have occupied my time. Finding a few precious moments to write has been hard and when you add into the formula that my life has almost completely been summer school related, there has been a lack of anything worthwhile to say.

However I don't think this is the whole story. Having been around many more people who speak English recently I think I have just been able to speak through my thoughts a lot more, in some cases this means I've realised the problems, in others I don't feel the need to say them as much. Maybe it's because I know that much of my target audience are the people I have been speaking to.

I have really enjoyed writing the blog and although it has changed from the original purpose [practice writing and seeing if it was a route I wanted to go down] to a new more free role [writing for the sheer joy I get out of writing rather than any career goal and the hope that someone will agree/disagree/think about what I've written] I can't help but feel that it is just me speaking and no one listening.

That's not to say that is necessarily a bad thing, after all practising writing is definitely a worthwhile activity and even leaving the option for peer correction [whilst not receiving any] I do believe has helped me immensely to correct common mistakes I make/made and develop a writing style that I can truly own.

I guess I feel a bit deflated after the lack of responses to my second challenge of drawing a self portrait.

I knew it would be harder to get people to do it but I had hoped that there would at least be some people who would take part. Some people had agreed to do it and I am still waiting for their entry.

I don't blame them, I understand how hectic life can be and how drawing a picture of yourself can easily come last on a long list of duties and responsibilities. I guess I just feel if this one failed...why bother doing any others?

Yet despite all this I still find myself enjoying writing. Having actually managed to sit down and find the time to write this meandering rant I've remembered why I like blogging. I guess I need to push on a do my blog update for July and hopefully I'll find some time to do that soon. If not then I only have a week left here in oxford and so I'm sure I'll have time then.

Till then I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog, I hope you don't mind the rant, I hope you don't feel like I was attacking you (I wasn't) and I really hope you'll comment or suggest something bellow.

All the best