Thursday, 25 August 2011

A couple of new Blogging and teaching gadgets...I mean tools

I don't often write blogs like this but in an attempt to get back in to the habit of blogging I'm going to tell you about two new additions I have to help with blogging this coming year in the Ukraine. [not just blogging mind]

Before showing you them I should probably also confess...I love gadgets. It's something I've noticed across my family and I usually try to pass off one or other member as being worse than me but really I do love them. Often it is the most useless ones that seam the most appealing for some reason (possible due to the fact that all gadgets do a job that another object can do better/with added internet updates). I think I have improved in recent years over the desire to own such objects though my latest purchase and present would like to suggest otherwise.

The first is a new Camera! Ever since my last one was stolen I had wanted a new one so I could take photos to sow people what the Ukraine is like. From a blogging point of view it would also mean that I can put a lot more self made photos on for post rather than prowl sources for them. This was actually a present for my birthday and is a Canon Ixus 117hs. It is a 12 megapixel camera which can take videos as well as pictures. It has a very impressive auto mode as well as an functions option that includes such things as colour accent [where all the colours except one are blanked out] toy camera and super vivid [my favourites so far]. Here are some samples

The second is an HP Touchpad! If you haven't heard the story of the HP touchpad hewlit packard [HP] made a tablet computer based on it' WebOS operating system. No other company ran Web OS on it's products and as such there was a limited number of App's and app producers. On top of that it has several less impressive technical features than the Ipad2 or several android based tablets yet cost the same price. As such it flopped. So HP did a firesale slashing the pice of the models to a low of £89.99 [from £400]. I had been considering a Tablet for use as an E-reader and several other classroom functions and so when I saw this price drop I pounced!

So far I've been very impressed with the keyboard and several apps within it [including the skype/google messenger program] and I'm looking forward to using it for writing on the go, reading books, looking up recipes...etc

So these are two of my new gadget's to use for blogging/teaching and various other purposes.