Sunday 15 April 2012

Easter in Ukraine

Today is Orthadox Easter.

It has been a strange year for Easter for me as last year the Orthadox and Western/Roman Catholic Easters landed on the same day. Where as, this year they were a week apart. As such last week felt like Easter, but didn't. And this week really feels like Easter...and yet my mind thinks it isn't.

The most incredible thing about being in Ukraine for Easter is how everyone greats each other with the traditional greating of "Christ is risen", "He is risen indeed." Even on the Marshootka back from Church I heard a woman on the radio great the host with it and he responded in kind.

This is despite the fact that under the Soviet Union religion was at best ridiculed publicly by the government and also for periods completely outlawed. Yet despite this, this tradition exists.

But still many people don't even think about what they are saying or why. Easter eggs (not chocolate but painted) are sold. As is traditional Easter cake (paskha) and yet the reason for celebrating; the sacrifice, and resurection, are passed by.