Sunday 4 December 2011

Ukrainian Orphanages

I recently visited an orphanage just outside a town in Ukraine called Zelenodolsk. It was a great experience and so amazing that despite giving so little the kids seamed so grateful. What was especially powerful was the obvious history the people I went with had with the kids and the difference I could see that it made.

On our car journey I learnt a bit more about the difficulties that Orphans in Ukraine face. 

Whilst I had been aware that there were a lot of orphans in Ukraine and that many of them were there not just because their parents had died but also for reasons such as abuse at home and that there were a far greater number of orphans in Ukraine than in Britain. However I hadn't realised the challenges they face whilst they are in the Orphanages or once they've left. 

The first thing I heard was a story about how a director of an orphanage who would sell on the gifts that the kids were given. It didn't just happen once, this occurred on regular occasions. This is not to say it is a universal thing and the guys commented that since they have come more regularly they have noticed this has stopped [and a change of director didn't harm either.]

This reflected another point they made that orphans can be treated by many people as inferior just because they don't have parents. 

The final point was that at age 16, having had poor education, few possessions often having no family and few friends they are "kicked out" of the orphanages and left to it. No support, no help and usually no job. As such many of them "sink to the bottom" as one person put it. They turn to crime, drink, prostitution and that's just if they are lucky! I even heard of Orphans who were taken to Turkey, killed and then harvested for their organs.

Fortunately there are people who are at work helping these Children out here. I'll tell you more about some of them in the future.