Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The cure for writer's block, seek inspiration

I use to think that writter's block was some mythical creature that couldn't be seen but it's affects could clearly be identified! It would prowl around an innocent Author, Blogger or musician and when they least suspected it strike them and drain all their inspiration in a second.

But looking back on the past few years of Blogging I find myself coming to a different conclusion.

You see when I wrote lots it was because either I was writing rubbish ranty political posts [and there are plenty of people out there doing that trust me] or because events were happening in my life and I thought people would be interested in them or because I had learnt something new about a subject I cared about and I wanted to share it.

Over the years the subject matter has changed from politics to it's current residence of religion and Teaching English as a Foreign language but it is still a true fact. When I learn something exciting I want to tell people about it. 

It makes me think about what my friend Andrew Brims has said about people who come up to him saying they feel called to preach. They often come up with great enthusiasm saying that God has been telling them to preach and their ready and they just need the stage to preach. "Great" he says..."So what are you going to talk about?" they usually reply with less enthusiasm about something or other, or that they'll just preach whatever is on the rota. Usually this is the point where he responds back with asking "what has God placed on your heart."... Now if they can answer this it's great! God may well be asking them to preach and be giving them a message [just this once or often]. If not then he probably isn't asking them to preach. 

I know for myself that the times when I can write about these things are when God is challenging me, when I am regularly spending time in his presence and opening his word. Writing about these things isn't my main reason for doing this but it's a good sign for me. 

[please note the last 2 months of relative silence are more due to large amounts of work plus some things shouldn't be shared.]