As I've entered my second year of teaching I decided it would be a great time to start a specifically Teaching English as a foreign language blog, called A noobs guide to TEFL, and seperate it from this private blog. Why have I done this despite thinking only a few months ago that I didn't like this idea?
Well first I want a to have more comments about my thoughts on teaching. I want more experienced teachers to correct and aid me in my growth as a teacher. Having a Blog with such a wide range of topics hinders this. It makes it harder to search for, can provide a false first impression [or a very accurate one] of the main topics that interest me or that they would see me comment on and discourages returning visitors and subscribers.
In addition it will also provide me another clear goal for writing about teaching and thus force me to work on two of my goals for the year [more and better blogging, improving as a teacher.] However I also hope this will allow me to attract more people to this site and thus at the same time still not keep my on-line life in separate boxes but show how linked they are.
This Blog is going to become more focused in two ways, firstly there will be more on living in the Ukraine and on my experiences out here. Thus it shall continue the function as a personal update to all my friends and family back home. Secondly It shall be more focused on the best focus of all.
On Jesus, what he has done, what he is doing, what he will do.
As such I'm going to do more studies of passages. More about what I feel/know God has been saying to more, More prayer requests. More parables, More graphics, maybe the odd song, and Hopefully the odd video too! [though I left my USB cable in the UK!]
I want your input though. What would you like more of? What would you like less of?