It is amazing how many coincidences you can sometimes have in a day.
Today my friend Andrew Brims wrote a blog post about the need to take a rest from busyness, especially online and issued a reminder that to be creative we need to apply ourselves to make this happen.
Just before this I had found a link to a person who had given away a free E-book on writing online (and all I, or you, had to do was sign up to receive his blogs weekly update. Bargain!) It was amazing how it seamed to speak and challenge me about my own creativity and motives.
A while back this blog was a political blog, sometimes pulled a few hundred visits ever day with it's various snipes at different political views and issues in the local news. I even moved across to Blogger to try and actually make some money out of this.
Fast forward to a few months after the election and when I moved across to the Ukraine and I realised that I had lost something. The joy of getting views had turned to the pain and lament at the lack of views I now received and my inability to write about UK politics due to the fact that despite having the internet at my fingers I was increasingly out of the loop and unable to make wise or insightful comments on the issues of the day [partially due to lack of time, partially through a sense of political disenchantment and wondering what I actually did think/feel in the current political climate.]
So I stopped.
I changed and started writing for the pure joy of writing [and the desire to keep people back in the UK up to date with what I was doing.] Writing became fun again although the monthly updates of blog stats and similar continued the reason was less for me after all I could see these without sharing them] and the fact that I would now at best get a couple of hundred page views a month and mostly from the same people didn't matter. I enjoyed writing and trying to write in a new a different way.
I think. and I hope you agree that my writing has actually improved during this time period. There is certainly a lot more of me held within the text that you see on the pages now. But I guess that is for you to decided.
The really interesting thing is when you compare this to my attitude to music. {to be continued)