Thursday, 16 June 2011

Hospitality and Zacchaeus

I've been thinking about the story of Zacchaeus and what it tells us about hospitality.

Recently I have been thinking quite a bit about hospitality partially as part of a long term realisation of how important it is as part of othopraxy and also after reading some posts on the compatability of Hospitality and Entertainment [or the lack there of].

So when I read the story of Zacchaeus for the 3 time in a week and a half or so (for various reasons) I had a strange realisation. Usually we think about the importance of the host in initiating hospitality, in inviting others in. Yet here we see Jesus, the guest, invite himself to someones house and disciples him into hospitality.

It's an interesting point that sometimes being Hospitable isn't just about opening your house for other people, but also making the sacrifice of your precious time and in some cases reputation to go to someone elses house.