Thursday, 8 July 2010

Welcome to Wilson's Words

Welcome to my new blog, if you are visiting then you may well have been to my old wordpress based blog

It's probably a good idea to explain why I have shifted over to Blogger especially as most people move the otherway nowerdays. The first aspect was that I wanted to change the name and branding. Whilst having the name Chrisjw133 is a great way to keep remembering my username for certain services (it is my twitter and skype name) it isn't exactly the most catchy or memorable. After considerable thought I settled on Wilsons Words, mainly because it was the best I could come up with that wasn't partisan and didn't type cast what I would blog or write about.

The second was customisation. With it had some great templates that could have some elements of customisation (usually a header, background and move some widgets around) however it didn't support HTML and CSS editing or being able to embed many different applications (such as using cover live). However Blogger did do this and allows for complete customisation.

Admittedly Self Hosted Wordpress also provides this service and I did consider going across for a very long time but ultimately the factor that decided against this was money. I know it's not a lot but as I may not be in the uk in the near future, as money may be tighter etc I have decided against signing up for another contract at least for the time being. There is still the possibility that I will move back to Wordpress (as it is a very good blogging platform) but for the time being I'm happy with blogger.

The final point is adverts, that's right I have sold out and put some adds on the page in the vauge hope of trying to raise some money for myself. I suspect that I won't raise a lot of money and if people really do find them too intrusive and annoying and tell me so (the email address is on the side) then I will remove them.

Anyway I hope you enjoy my new home here, it feels nice and snug to me! I suspect most of my posts will continue to be political and about christianity but look out for the odd drop of football, writing, filming and music.

God Bless.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your new blog Chris! :-)

