Saturday, 31 July 2010

The Generous Poor

The Economist recently ran an article about the publication of a new study that again shows the link between generousity and wealth. There have been various reports that look at such factors including where a charity's money comes from, what percentage of a persons income they generally give away however this latest study does include a very very interesting fact.

It used a method of making test subjects to imagin/feel that they had a different amount of income/belonged to a different socio-economic background. When they did this they observed that those from upper class backgrounds believed that a larger percentage of income should be donated when they were "lower class" (this was still not as much at the actually lower class people and when lower class people thought of themselves as "upper class" they were less generous and yet more generous than the actual upper class people.

In general this is a very interesting study into how our back ground and income actually affect how generous we are with our money.

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