Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sometimes you should take things to the extreme!

One of the ideas I've had for a while is that sometimes it can be a really good idea to take ideas/actions etc to the extreme level.

For example, if you have an issue saying no to things then for a period of time (a week) say no to everything. Or perhaps you think there is a problem with the current model of church. Why not try the extreme opposite?

There are a few reason I think this is a good idea.

  1. If we can do the extreme, we certainly can do the more moderate option
  2. It can bring to light the advantages or disadvantages that stay hidden from view normally. 
  3. It can be easier to implement an extreme version then moderate it rather than introduce moderate changes to make a more extreme version (these moderate changes are usually relapsed on)
  4. Lots of people go for the moderate version. By trying the extreme version we set ourselves apart and may: learn something new, meet someone different, gain a unique opportunity that we wouldn't otherwise. 
Here are some personal experiences that I have found made a difference for me.

  • Saying yes to every request for a week
  • Saying no to every request for a week
  • Spending a day completely alone
  • Making a mistake on purpose during a talk
  • Publishing a blog post once a day
  • Publishing a blog post only when I felt like it.
  • Taking cold showers for a week
These have all produced interesting results and in almost all cases I have not settled in that extreme but moved back to a happy medium. 

So I encourage you. Try doing something in an extreme way.