Wednesday, 30 November 2011

2011 Aims: November update

Well here we are. One month left of the 2011 aims and when I actually publish that It will be after the end of the year and the start of 2012! 

As such next month I am going to start reassessing my goals for next year. I'm going to start with a complete clear plate not even looking at my aims for this year to see whether the same things come up or if anything else comes up instead.

If you want to see a review of my previous months goals then click the link here.

1.I will give at least a 10% tithe in addition to any other giving I will do.
The habit of setting aside my tithe at the start of the month before any other money has well and truly been entrenched! In addition I have noticed that I really am in better control of the money I have. I am very please here. 
2. Making Prayer a stronger habit. 
This month I have actually started reading the chapter on Prayer in the book Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. So far I can certainly say that I really needed the kick up the back side that it provided. It is truly worrying how many things I wasn't doing. 
3.Use skype more to chat to people back home/Britain
I managed to have my first long chat with my family this past weekend and I also caught up with a very good friend. So overall very good!
4.  I will improve as an EFL teacher.
Definitely true this month. My new blog is well on it's way and I have taken part in the first International House on-line workshop, Joined in with many more #EltChat meetings and started some new reflective practices! All in all a lot of new things that I can really see have helped improve me even more. 
5. I will improve my Russian.
I have managed to get more speaking practice this month and it would again appear that I am currently pushing beyond my plateau of last month. However, despite this I am not really taking structured approaches to improving my Russian. It's actually only writing this I have truly realised how true this has been and as such have no immediate ideas about what I should do to solve this. On the plus side I have noticed my pronunciation has improved and become less apparent. 
6. I will write more songs. [this goal isn't being pursued, instead I tried to write an e-book...and failed! BUT I did try.]
7. Host a weekly meal at my flat.
I managed to host one meal this month... This new school year certainly seams to have seen me be worse at inviting people round but also people accepting invitations. I guess I should follow the parable of the banquet and invite those who have nothing round...However that seams really scary, especially across the language barrier!
8. Regular and higher quality blogging.
Well apart from the start of the month where a strong cold knocked me for 6 and blogging went down bellow 1 a week I have somehow managed to get over halfway through my series on Top 10 TEFL tips and keep this blog going, I have also used images more and focused more on my layout. In addition I have also been following Jeff Goins intentional blogging course which has certainly given me food for thought.
9. I will get involved with some form of charitable work in the Ukraine.
Still a big no here :(
10. I will make a Public video each month.
Again it would appear I haven't made a video for this month. I could blame the illness and increased workload but their just excuses.