Sunday, 16 October 2011

How am I blessing people?

One of the things I've been contemplating over the last few days is "How can I bless the people around me?"

The reason for this pondering comes down to a few things. 

The first is that I have been very blessed and I am very thankful for that. So I should pass on this blessing.

Secondly I believe that Christians should be agents in bringing in the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Kingdom of God is complete fullness of life for people both here on Earth and In the age to come. If this is true then I certainly should be blessing the people closest to me. After all the closer you are to a light, the brighter it is for you and the greater effect it has.

Thirdly I do want to bless the people around me. It's not always an active thought in my mind but I want to turn this desire into more actions.

Fourthly my girlfriend asked the question of how we can bless people together back in England?

So How can I bless people around me?

The first step is not really a blessing but merely doing my part. If I am making a mess and leaving it to others around me to tidy up then I can't really be a blessing to these people.

The second would be to work out what things are burdening the people around me. How can I help easy these Burdens?

The final is what token gestures can I do to bless these people? What little extra nice touches can I do.

Take for example fellow teachers, the first step would be to make sure I am doing my work well and not forcing my DOS to chase me up over missing paperwork or other teachers reguarding what I taught. The next step would be to work out if I can help other teachers by making lesson material or providing lesson plans on day's when they are very busy. And the final might be bring in some chocolates to the staff room.

Overall I think the second step is the most important of these, Helping people when they feel burdened really does make a difference and really blesses them.

These thoughts were inspired by Galatians 6: 1-8 and my girlfriend.