Saturday, 16 July 2011

A holiday, A job and A wedding

It's been a while since I blogged and that's for very good reason.

Firstly I returned home from the Ukraine and had a very hectic time of unpacking, seeing as many people as I could, taking the dog for a walk and to a small extent readjusting to being back in England. Despite some of my fear about how this might be a hard process, based on my last trip back. This actually seamed to be very unfounded and I quickly settled back into adjusted routines and a variation on previous activities.

Then last weekend I travelled up to Oxford to start teaching at a summer school there. The first week was certainly an experience and quite a jump into the deep end. Thankfully I made it through the other side and for the first few days I didn't have internet access. On Tuesday I actually did arrange internet for my room there and started to use it but my duties had meant that I didn't have time to actually put up a blog.

The teaching work load isn't anything shocking and compared to some of the weeks we have had in Dnipro I didn't feel under too much stress to prepare all my lessons. However it is the other duties that can really put the pressure on. There was one day where I had a project lesson in the afternoon and then night duties in the Evening. I was at one point wondering where I would fine time to prepare my lessons for the next day but I did indeed find the time and manage to get everything done for the next day.

Today I had the pleasure of attending Sophie B...sorry Sophie Holland's wedding! From a very selfish point of view, being able to come home, see friends (including ones who had been away last week), and play guitar and sing in a band made for an amazing day. However the whole event was wonderful and I certainly hope that the bride and groom enjoyed everything.

I'm actually currently on the Oxford Tube heading back to Oxford and I am not sure when I will find a chance to blog again. I might try sending one from my phone tomorrow if I find myself with time to spare on my coach trip [I'm taking some students into London!!!! Eeeek]

Till next time.