I am currently fully immersed in the deluge of work that has suddenly fallen upon me [a metaphor that considering the couple of thunder storms this week is very apt!] and as I mentioned earlier this week I am not going to be blogging much until at least Sunday. However this is a little exception for you.
Last night I came home feeling very stressed, very tired and a bit miffed at another last minute change to my plans based around work. I had been aware that I had changed from when I was younger and never got stressed or worried about anything and now have found myself on occasions finding it hard to get to sleep if there is a lesson the next morning that I don't feel prepared for or if I have a large amount of work to do.
I realised that one of the main reasons for this was that although I hid behind an excuse of trusting God about all these matters, really I just didn't care about these things. I was lazy and slothful and didn't need to be good at something. Mediocracy was fine.
Unfortunately for me God over time challenged this attitude [not least during my time at the well] and now I've found that actually I've gone beyond a healthy position and flipped to the other side!
So last night I came home, I read a message from a friend reminding me not to trust in my own strength, and praying for peace and I realised that I needed to turn to God and just trust in his strength, in his ability and let him get me through it all.
I brought out my guitar, I strummed along and repeated a few simple statements of truth and resting in his presence.
Suddenly everything didn't seam so bad.