Tuesday, 1 February 2011

2011 Aims: January update

Here it is, update number 1 for the new years aims 2011. How have I done this month

1.I will give at least a 10% tithe in addition to any other giving I will do.
Decembers was given away and January shall hopefully be given as soon as I am paid it. 

2. Making Prayer a stronger habit. 
As usually there has been success and failure here, I have noticed some great improvements and some great failures. I could go into great length over the details of these success and failures but I think it would be better to focus on next months goals. I will put a picture of the city up on my wall to focus prayer on. I will use meal times as a focus for prayer. When ever I have a meal I will use that to thank God for providing all my food/needs and for his Son.

3.Use skype more to chat to people back home/Britain
There has been a noticeable increase in Skype activity but this has mainly been with people based in other countries actually! I am not complaining and for this to be fully successful it partially relies on people from England being on Skype. As such for next month I have already arrange a couple of "skype dates" (as I have heard them called) and will try and arrange a few more soon with some different people than last month. 

4.  I will improve as an EFL teacher.
The young learners course has continued and I have an upcoming assignment for it! In addition I have started my "teaching methodolgy and the church" series which aims to lay out a post on EFL teaching methodology [or an aspect of it] and then apply it to teaching in a church. This should help cement my understanding of EFL methodology

5. I will improve my Russian.
I have increased the amount that I have been practising with people around me. A particular highlight of the month has been using Inductive logic to work out why I had heard a different case being used than I expected. I suddenly remembered that on other occasions I had also used this case there as well in sentences which I also didn't understand why I was using it. All of a sudden it made sense.
In addition to this I have finally worked my way through one of my Russian language CD sets [completely] and so now I am going to start a second. As for devoting time to study... the start of the month didn't really see this occur though there has been an increase as the month has warn on. It is still not to the level I would like and this is something I shall have to push forward with more.

6. I will write more songs.
Well this month it wasn't really a song I wrote and it is an old one I wrote a while ago but I'm just warming up.
In addition the second months song has started development though is going to be a bit different.

7. Host a weekly meal at my flat.
Not achieved this since I've been back. I have however cooked my [almost signature dish now] Chicken and Chorizo Paella which was received well and I am trying to figure out a new dish to become an expert at as well. 

8. Regular and higher quality blogging.
Despite a shaky start I have managed to get at least a post on Monday and Friday...with the exception of last week. My favourite of the month has to be on teaching methodolgy.

9. I will get involved with some form of charitable work in the Ukraine.
This has been the most disappointing failure of the month. I honestly think I have put in very little effort in the search. Writing this post has however promoted me to search online again for some charities. It has raised the question about whether it is good to just get involved with any old charity or perhaps I should be more picky? what criteria should I use to distinguish this with? Basically I should have thought about this more before writing it!

10. I will make a Public video each month
Unfortunately my initial idea for a video failed to emerge this month, However one has been recorded and now needs to be uploaded [a big problem with slow internet and no internet currently at the school. As such expect it within the next couple of days.

That's the update. As you can see I really didn't do too well with a few things so I'm going to have to put in some extra effort for this month. If you want to offer any help/advice/ideas then please do.