Monday, 14 May 2012

A confession and plan of action

Over on I've just published a post with a confession and a plan of action to repair it.

To find out more click here.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Chris J Wilson Discipleship

Get yourself over to Chris J Wilson as I've done the first post on Discipleship today. [Click here to read more]

I've been excited about writing this series for a while and been trying to get the start right. As usually it's not perfect but it's better to actually do something good than nothing perfect. So, go over, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

In fact, Jesus last instructions to the disciples was to "Go make disciples all across the earth, starting in Jerusalem, then  Judea and Samaria and finally to the ends of the earth." [taken from the Chris Standard Version and mixing Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28: 19So, I think we can agree that Jesus thought Disciple making was a good thing and there was a reason they were called Disciples instead of something else.

No preview picture today. You have to go over and find out what I used!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The day of the Dnipro bombing

It's taken me a while to actually put this up. I wrote it soon after the inital events but I didn't want my first article on the new blog to be about the Dnipro bombings so I held on to it. Almost two weeks ago it happened.
Feel free to go check it out. Click here.

By the way, I'm going to continue to cross post for another week. After that I'm going to start stripping this blog down to the best articles deleting a load of the old ones.

If you haven't subscribed to the new blog, go ahead and sign up for RSS or Email updates.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Computer idolatry

Yesterday I posted a blog post with the same title as this on my new blog. [Click here to read more]

Here is a little extract for you:

For many of my generation, we use computers foe everything. We communicate, write, entertain ourselves and others, work, learn, research, read and even blog on them. All our music, films and games are on them and if they break, you bet it makes a difference.
When something like this covers so much of our lives there is  one likely outcome. Idolatry.
Go over to the blog, check it out and let me know what you think.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Reposting on the new blog

Over on my new blog (click here to check it out) I've started to post some of my favourite old posts here, especially ones that fit in with the new goals of the blog.

I'm not just going to post the original post tho, I'll add some new details or thoughts that have arisen since I originally posted the blog post.

The first one I've crossed over is my Review of Jeff Goins book.
Why did I choose this one? 

  • It's one of the last posts I wrote on here so I don't need to do much to improve it. 
  • It encourages creativity and being a producer not just a consumer (just like the aims of my blog).
  • Jeff is trying to publicise it (as it is a new release) so this is my attempt to help that publicity. 
I'm planning to put up some of my other reviews and adding some more in but I'd love to know 
what other posts you've enjoyed and would like to see reposted? (perhaps with an update.) 

Leave a comment bellow...or on the new blog!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Where was God today?

I've put a new post up on my new blog.
Where was God today?

Here is a little extract from it.

I don't know about you but sometimes I can go through a whole day without noticing God. In fact, I sometimes forget to even pray, read my bible and, at best, speak about him not to him... But then things started to change. 
Click this link to read the test of the article.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

New blog launched

I've finally launched my new blog
I've committed to 4 aims with my new blog
  • To encourage discipleship
  • To provide a place of hospitality and rest
  • To encourage creativity 
  • To collaborate with others. 
The design still isn't quite finished (I don't have a header or anything) but why not come over and check it out. The first post is up and there is an about page with a video :)

I'll continue to post some updates on this site but all my posts will be on the new blog. Hope to see you over there.